Radiant Heart Crystal™ Pendant

A beautiful and powerful evolutionary tool which has already become a best seller. The Radiant Heart Crystal assists us in expanding our ability to hold and create Unconditional Love, so that we may “crystallize” the wisdom of the One Heart that unites all life in Love. Attunes the wearer to Unconditional Love and guides us through the next steps we may take to claim this more fully in our lives.

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Infinite Eye™ Pendant
Celebrating the geometry of the ancient symbol of the Infinite. Heralding interconnection of the Boundless Universe and the mirroring principle: “As Above, So Below”. This cut helps to place the center of infinity within our hearts and minds, the infinite flow of “all that is”, centered in Love, becomes our daily companion. Using this tool helps maintain your personal connection with Higher Self and accelerating spiritual growth.


Star of Venus™ Pendant
Ancient Symbol of protection and invocation, this five pointed star celebrates man’s union with the Earth and Creation through each of the five elments (fire, air, earth, water & spirit). A wonderful tool for shedding burdens and for revitalization. Brings clarity and balance, insight and alignment with the Divine Flow.

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Earth Heart Crystal™ Pendant
Teacher of harmony and our sacred union with the Heart of the Earth. Offers peace and stability, stillness and insight, respect and diversity, inspires creativity that nurtures our wholeness and facilitates expansion into Oneness. A powerful tool for those who are seeking to release limitation and awaken union.

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Mini Kabbalistic Crystal™ Pendant
These pendants are fashioned after the cut of quartz first created in the early 1980’s by Marcel Vogel, one of IBM’s leading research scientists and founder of Psychic Research, Inc. Precisely faceted into the shape of the Tree of Life, these crystals are renown for their healing properties. Available with 12 or 24 facets. For more information on Vogel Healing Wands and Marcel Vogel see “Introduction to Vogel Healing Tools” by Paul Jensen.

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